So this is my second attempt to get this blog rolling, we'll see if it sticks this time. I was at the Cowboy Mouth Show at the Cabooze, you should've been there too. We got there a little late, cuz my sister's book club ran long, and I missed half of concentual's set, but what I saw was great. Paul nailed the vocals he did, Lorenzo was his usual sexy man-beast self, and the new "rock only" thing was working.
A little history. I was at one of the first concentual shows in the twin cities (maybe THE first, I don't know) and then every show after that for almost a year. I sold merch, I took pictures, manned the mailing list, hauled their gear, put up posters, passed out tickets. Basically I was their bitch. I might have even had a shot to join the band as a bass player, but I had my own band that I thought (erroneously) might make it big, plus the new bass player was WAAAY better than I was at the time. FFWD, a few years back they parted ways with their lead singer. By that point I hadn't been to many shows lately, having my own shows, and then getting married and starting a family and all that Jazz. Well, the new lead singer they added was my buddy Lorenzo. I fucking love this guy. I feel like I've known him forever, even though I really haven't spent that much time with him. It's just that kinda vibe y'know? He even sang at my wedding (Peter Gabriel, "In Your Eyes", during the ceremony). I haven't seen Concentual since he joined, and I feel guilty as hell about it. I'm glad I finally got to see them tonight. It was great. They've become much more Rockin' and less pop. Probably because Lorenzo "The Italian Stallion" is more Elvis, whereas there last lead Singer was more Michael Stipe. And not just because he was a bald white guy.
Cowboy Mouth was awesome, although I didn't see all of them, cuz I hung out outside with Lorenzo in the "Smoker's Patio" for awhile. I don't smoke, never smoked tobacco except for one time during a peace pipe ceremony with my Dad. But I just wanted to hand with 'Zo (apparently some people call him Larry, but that just seems weird to me). Anyways, if you've never seen Cowboy Mouth, Frickin' GO! Even if you know none of their songs, you WILL get sucked into the show, I promise. Fred is a MANIAC. Plus, if you like girls, the new bass player wears a mini skirt and go-go boots, thats fun too.
Anywho, I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but hey, if you do, Hi!
I'll try and write more often, and sober.
Oh yeah and one more thing. I need a freaking job! I'd prefer to just make a living being a musician, but I'm a ways from that happening. I've got an A.A.S in Electronics technology, lots of Customer service experience, 20 years computer experience in a variety of platforms. I've worked retail, fast food, pizza joint, construction, shipping, slung boxes for UPS, and many other jobs I'll remember in the morning. All I need is >$300 a week, plus daycare expenses (if nesc.) and healthcare, at least for me, preferably for my whole family. Can anyone help me out?
yay a blog! write about casserole!